• Masters of solar imaging
  • Solar resources
  • Solar Amateurs Groups
  • Solar Filters Manufacturers
  • Miscellaneous


The links here below are to the websites of the best solar imagers in the world (the ones I know).
They have been an invaluable source of information and tips and tricks for me.
I hope they will inspire in somebody else the passion for this beautiful and interesting hobby.


I would like to thank them once more for allowing me to link my website to theirs.

Larry Alvarez http://mysite.verizon.net/armicheal
Paul Hyndman http://www.astro-nut.com
Andreas Murner http://www.strehlbuster.com
Jack Newton http://www.jacknewton.com
Harald Paleske http://www.unigraph.de
Gary Palmer http://www.theSuninMotion.com
Greg Piepol http://www.sungazer.net              Greg is NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador
Alan Friedman http://www.avertedimagination.com


This group of links is useful for general information about the sun and the current situation of our star.

it includes many professional solar observatories and some space based too!


For a more complete list see




SOHO website http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov
Hinode http://hinode.nao.ac.jp/index_e.shtml
Solar Dynamics Observatory http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov
Catania Astrophysical Observatory http://web.ct.astro.it/sun
Global H-alpha Patrol Network http://www.spacew.com/sunnow/index.php
Big Bear Solar Observatory http://www.bbso.njit.edu
Swedish Institute For Solar Physics http://www.solarphysics.kva.se


Gruppo Ricerche Solari




This is my favorite mailing list, the one I refer to for my information.
The group has serious purposes and has two interesting
observing programs in h-alpha and continuum.The group issues also a monthly bulletin.






French site with a very comprehensive database of amateur's images in 3 wavelengths: h-alpha,
continuum and calcium K.
It issues warning of solar activities and is a fundamental resource for the amateur who wants to be
ready to image events as soon as they happen.






Coronado Filters http://www.coronadofilters.com
Daystar Filters http://www.daystarfilters.com
Lunt Solar Systems http://www.luntsolarsystems.com
Solar Spectrum Filters http://www.baader-planetarium.de/zubehoer/zubsonne/protuberanz.htm


http://www.astro-physics.com Manufacturer of highest quality telescopes, equatorial mounts and mamy other
accessories for the demanding amateur astronomer. Unbeatable quality made in the U.S.A.
http://www.lazzarotti-optics.com Innovative design high quality telescopes by my friend Paolo Lazzarotti
http://www.lazzarotti-hires.com This is what you can do with Paolo's scopes (and Paolo's expertise, dedication, etc.)
Incredible hi-res images of the moon and planets!

Alas, only in Italian, this is a link that must be on every amateur astronomer's list: the best and

most reliable tests and info on our hobby from a very experienced and trustworthy expert such

as Plinio Camaiti. A "must visit" website.

http://www.skyandtelescope.com The most famous magazine for the amateur astronomer.
http://www.astronomy.com Another famous magazine for amateur
http://www.orione.it The Italian astronomy magazine.

A good website for amateur astronomers: it provides 6-day seeing forecasts for the whole world.

I never tried how it works for the world, but, for my area, the predictions are fairly accurate and it is

worth signing up (required) to create your own maps


Website of Lucam Recorder, by far the best capturing software for astrophotography by my friend Heiko Wilkens.










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 Gianluca Valentini - info@amun-ra.org - Rimini - Italy






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